Hey there!, in this post I will show you how to make home automation using Esp8266 module.
What is Home Automation ?
Home Automation is a wireless home appliance control system accessed by a remote device such as a mobile phone to allow a home-owner to control, monitor and coordinate home appliances, without changing the home infrastructure.
Why home automation ?

Saves Time
Self Maintenance
Makes life easy
System Design
Home Automation is a system which is controlled by a remote system such as a cell phone like Android.
It is build around a micro controlled, with adjoining relays for interfacing with AC devices
System can recognize users voice and can acts upon it.
Hardware Requirement

Wi-Fi module (ESP8266)
USB phone charger to power Wi-Fi module
Relay board
230V CFL Bulb with Fixtures & Adapter Setup
Jumper Cables
simple dc motor
Software apps and Web Requirements:

Blynk application
IFTTT application
Arduino IDE to upload code
See what can you do with this Project
Voice control of GPIOs
Voice control of AC appliances connected to Module
Block Diagram

Step of making this project

Download Blynk application on the smartphone
Download arduino IDE and configuring Blink libraries.
Uploading the code to the NodeMCU.
Hardware Assembly.
Connecting Google Assistant (using IFTTT) to make the NodeMCU work with voice commands.

here, I attached link of my project report for more understanding.
Future prospects:
In this project, we have used voice command system to ask the Google assistant about various search queries, Also we have connected an AC Bulb on the board that we are able to control using the voice command.
In future, this system has a broad scope to use that in various applications where we can control devices with voice.
The Voice Command System has an enormous scope in the future. Like in home automation, self-driving car, robotics system, etc.
This also paves way for a Connected Home using Internet of Things, voice command system and computer vision.
Turn OFF condition of all relay:

Turn ON condition of all relay:

Turn ON bulb:

Turn OFF the bulb

Turn ON fan:

Turn OFF fan:

Turn on bulb and LED:
